Check out our recipes below and please feel free to add your own. These recipes are very helpful to people who may not know how to cook with the ingredients they buy from the market!


Recipes in Season (2)
Eggs (2)

Cucumber salad

Saw this recipe in a book & decided to give it a try. And are we glad I did.

Source: Don't remember although it wasn't a cookbook. (Entered by Mary-Ann King)
Serves: 4 to 6

4 cups peeled & sliced cucumbers
1/2 Vidalia onions or green onions
1 cup Sour cream or Crema Salvordorian
3 TBSP white vinegar
1 TBSP Cane sugar
1/8 tsp Salt
1/8 tsp black pepper
2 tsp DIll (optional)

Step by Step Instructions
  1. Mix cucumbers & onion in bowl, mix all other ingredients & stir well. Add to cucumber mixture. Will keep a week or more in the refrigerator.
  2. You can make smaller or larger amounts by adjusting ingredients.


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